
In Nysted there are experiences for the whole family and there is something for every taste. All year round you can experience a number of different events, concerts, courses, working workshops and much more.

The nature around Nysted offers child-friendly beaches, beach volleyball, forest, lake, sea eagles and much more. Experience and explore Nysted all year round.

Du kan se en oversigt over lokale arrangementer i kalenderen.

Vil du se endnu flere events i hele Lolland og Guldborgsund kommune, kan du finde det her på voresguldborgsund.dk

Nysted fun facts

Did you know that in less than 15 minutes by car you have access to a sea of shops in Guldborgsundcentret?

Events and arrangements in Nysted

Current Month

september 2024

30sepAll dayWhat else is happening in Nysted? - Forwarding to KultuNaut

30sep17:0019:00Board meeting of the Nysted Business and Tourist Association

oktober 2024

30sepAll dayWhat else is happening in Nysted? - Forwarding to KultuNaut

25Oct20:30Concert Thorbjørn Risager (sold out)

28Oct17:0019:00Board meeting of the Nysted Business and Tourist Association

november 2024

15NovAll dayChristmas tree lighting

16NovAll dayChristmas market in Nysted

17NovAll dayChristmas market in Nysted

Nysted fun facts

Did you know that Nysted's old town hall has a carillon that plays every hour? The melodies are mostly seasonal