
In Nysted, we have many different local companies, associations and other players who contribute to cultural experiences. A selection of these is shown below.

Nysted fun facts

Did you know that from around the 13th century Nysted was the center of the king's management of eastern Lolland?

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Nysted Organ Museum
Adelgade 30, 4880 Nysted
Tel. 29288630
Huset set fra gaden 300 dpi
The Aarestrup House Museum
Adelgade 80, 4880 Nysted
Tel. 42168250
Adelgade 54, 4880 Nysted
No members found.

Events and arrangements in Nysted

Current Month

december 2024

30DecAll dayWhat else is happening in Nysted? - Forwarding to KultuNaut

januar 2025

10Jan20:30Concert Mike Tramp

30JanAll dayWhat else is happening in Nysted? - Forwarding to KultuNaut

Nysted fun facts

You are the iceberg below the surface and things happen in your hands 😊