Live freely
In Frejlev, Frejlev and Roden Skov are located a short distance from each other.
Frejlev Skov is known for its unusually many monuments from the stone and bronze ages, i.a. with intact giants' rooms, burial mounds, long dies and round dies and more than 100 burial mounds. There are also over 30 bautasten with petroglyphs and bowl signs. When you walk through the forest, you can reach the coast, where there is a view of Guldborgsund.
Roden Skov is the largest and still bears the mark of having been designed for hunting, where there has been a large shooting range in the center of the forest with several paths leading out from the square. Although this is a bit in disrepair, there is a large population of fallow deer which are not difficult to see when you walk in the forest.
When you drive on Enghavevej on your way to Frejlev Forest, you pass Skalkekorset, a memorial to a legend about how the farmers in Frejlev broke the back of the riding bailiff when he wanted to cut down and sell the forest, which had been given to the farmers by Margrete 1.
Every spring (usually on the 2nd Saturday in May), you remember the legend by going on a knekkeryg march - a route from Fuglsang Avlsgård and out to the knekkeryg stone on Frejlev Mark and back - you are taken by bus from Fuglsang Avlsgård out to the knekkeryg stone, and return by a special route with stalls and rest stops along the way.