Adelgade 11, 4880 Nysted
Climate pressure - Opening of exhibition, Nysted Library
Climate pressure – An exhibition and art journey towards a greener and more sustainable future
Klimatryk brings together a diversity of voices – artists, mediators, and young talents, as well as the audience – to explore print art and its potential to convey messages about sustainability and environmental awareness via the experimental graphic print method. This fusion of art and activism aims to inspire a greener future.
Climate pressure is more than just an exhibition; it is a call to action, an invitation to reflect on our relationship with the climate and our contribution to a more positive development.
Official opening and workshop for the public at Nysted Library. Saturday and Sunday August 10-11 at 10:00 – 17:00 in connection with Öpne Ataliedøre Guldborgsund there is an official opening and audience workshop. The workshop focuses on you helping to create "Guldborgsund's longest climate pressure". Come and make your personal contribution to a greener future. The longest journey starts from within: Participants are encouraged to reflect on how they can personally contribute to the climate goals.
Exhibition period: From August 10 to August 31.
Opening hours: The library's opening hours, see more here
Participating artists/mediators:
- Espen Brandt-Møller
- Ole Lorin Rasmussen
- Anna F. Beck
- Dina Rawat
- Mille Søndergaard
A big thank you to Guldborgsund Art Council and Kulturregion Storstrøm for their support of the project.
Come and be inspired for a greener future at the Climate Pressure exhibition!