Shark cutter festival at the harbor in Nysted.
Program for søndag den 4. august 2024:
9.00 Skipper's pub opens
9.00 The agency opens for sale of shark cutter cruises.
10.00 – 20.00: Danula Design makes jewellery.
10.00 – 13.00: Sailing trip with the shark cutter Hansine.
10.00 – ca. 15.00. Hajkutterbesætningerne sejler match race i smakkejoller.
10.00 – 17.00: Crab race for children and childish souls.
10.00 – 17.00: Build and sail with elastic boats in a small pool.
The islands' Mopa club is present in the harbor during the day.
11.00 -16.00: Modelflyvere fra klubben ”Hangar 4800”
11.00-20.30: Nysted-Slagteren sells fish dishes.
12.00: Nysted Bådelaug hænger de barkede sejl til tørre.
12.00-…… : Nysted Vin sells sandwiches, food, coffee and cake.
11.00 – 14.00: Falck og L-F Brandkadetterne.
12.30 – 13.30: Mikkel Rugholm familieshow
13.30 – 14.00: Linedance.
13.30 – 16.00 Jumping Jacks spiller på pladsen.
16.00 – 20.00 Veteranbiler fra Lolland-Falsters Veteranklub
17.30 – 20.30: Nysted-Slagteren serves the dish of the day.
20.00 – 22.30: Jumping Jacks spiller i det store telt
23.00 The party square closes.
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