Adelgade 56, 4880 Nysted
Adelgade 56, 4880 Nysted
STARTS 10 Aug 2024 15:00
ENDS 10 Aug 17:00
Concert: The great romantics, Villa Marina
Concert with tenor David Danholt and pianist Charlotte Tanning.
The concert "the great romantics" is dedicated to the song with music by Schumann, Sibelius, Langgaard and Strauss. The characteristic of lieder is that the musical accompaniment does not simply accompany, but plays in close musical dialogue with the singer, and the two parties create a unified work.
At the concert, David will take us through the music in a well-laid out and entertaining way.
Concert at 15:00. Billetpis DKK 135. Tickets can be bought at www.villamarina.dk
The café is open before and after the concert.